"Your Community. Your Caregivers."

Read Their Stories...
"Sometimes the girls will make you laugh or cry,
but you are never bored here while working with them.”
– Corina de la Torre –
Show Them Love...
“This is not a job for me, Love in Action is my family.
It’s like saying I have two families"
–Maria Laura Zamora Diaz –
Read Their Stories...
"Sometimes the girls will make you laugh or cry,
but you are never bored here while working with them.”
– Corina de la Torre –
Show Them Love...
“This is not a job for me, Love in Action is my family.
It’s like saying I have two families"
–Maria Laura Zamora Diaz –
Read Their Stories...
"Sometimes the girls will make you laugh or cry,
but you are never bored here while working with them.”
– Corina de la Torre –
Show Them Love...
“This is not a job for me, Love in Action is my family.
It’s like saying I have two families"
–Maria Laura Zamora Diaz –

Sponsor the Essential Staff

If it weren't for these essential support roles, Love in Action would not succeed. Sponsoring an essential staff member ensures that our children's home is providing everything they need to thrive.

School Teacher

Head Chef

Property Maintenance

Sponsor a House Mom

Our house parents are trained in trauma-informed child care and demonstrate real love to our children every single day. Their responsibilities include house management, parenting the girls, getting them ready for school and helping them to bed at night.

Sponsor A Director

Our directors work tirelessly to support the houses, implement trauma-informed strategies, maintain case files and administrate finances. They are the foundation upon which our home stands.

How does sponsorship work?

Your monthly sponsorship helps pay for the salaries of Love in Action's incredible staff.

Staff salaries are the most expensive part of any children's shelter. By helping to shoulder the expense, you are not just sponsoring one person, but simultaneously giving life to the dozens of children we serve.

With only $30 a month, you are making an incalculable difference.

In addition, you can choose to receive your sponsored staff member's monthly stories, photos and prayer requests. Find out their struggles and hear their proudest triumphs as they through this challenging and beautiful work.

For additional questions, email the sponsorship program director, Cameron Talbot, at cttalbot@oak-life.org.



Love in Action is doing things a little differently. We believe that maintaining the privacy of the girls we serve is important! For that reason, we have changed the way we handle internet exposure, social media and our communications.

Even though we know seeing the faces of and making connections with the precious girls of this shelter is heartwarming, we appreciate your understanding and positive support for a new way of thinking about and handling alternative child care!

We will always pay our caregivers their agreed upon salary, regardless of the number of sponsors they acquire. Your donation is so vital, though, because it goes to Love in Action to help carry the heavy burden of staff salaries, benefits, insurance, etc.

In the event your sponsored staff member finds themselves leaving Love in Action, you will be notified via email, and automatically reassigned to a new staff member.

No problem! You can cancel or reinitiate your sponsorship at any time. Simply log in to your donation profile via your staff members profile page and make the necessary changes.

Or, you can email the sponsorship program director, Cameron Talbot, at cttalbot@oak-life.org.

When you sign up for your sponsorship, you will be asked if you would like to receive story updates from your staff member. This is a great way to stay connected to the work that is happening, and hear about the struggles and triumphs they are experiencing.

If you would like to take the next step and write a note of encouragement to your staff member, you can email it to the sponsorship program director, Cameron Talbot, at cttalbot@oak-life.org. All notes are passed on as quickly as possible.

Of course! When filling out the sponsorship form, you will be asked how many sponsorship slots you would like to fill. Simply choose the amount that best suits your support desire.

If you would rather support multiple staff members, simply fill out a sponsorship form for each one that catches your heart.